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Self-help consultation

Anyone who is exposed to chronic health issues or illness is invited to meet with self-help experts (formerly self-affected experts) and benefit from their experience.


We are providing self-help advice, and we also offer exchange of experiences on self-help support that is embedded in pragmatism and science, as well as discussions of questions and experiences around treatments, nutrition, toxins (nutrient toxins and environmental), deficiencies and intolerances, genetic variants, and other factors with impact on health questions.


What we offer:

Exchange of experiences for self-help purposes aimed at overcoming chronic health-related impairment, drawing on the experiences of a self-help counselor/advisor.

In some cases – if desired – we can offer ongoing support from a (formerly) self-affected expert who has the same or comparable health challenges to the client. The self-help expert will share his/her own experiences e.g., on experimental approaches to nutrition, behavior, active substances, etc.

We analyze the client’s potential exposure to environmental and food toxins.

Those challenges may be analyzed for the client's own laboratory data and scientific findings.

We check for exposure to a range of nutrient and environmental toxins and food intolerances.


Please feel free to make an appointment for your self-help support.

We do not offer any kind of medical examinations or any kind of therapies, please see the explanations on this issue in German language.